Affiliate Marketing: A 2024 Guide to Getting Started

This complete guide will walk you through how to start making money in affiliate marketing, with online marketing tips and tricks to help you earn more money.

Smart entrepreneurs running a thriving business know there’s always more they can do to make that business grow. One way of taking things to the next level is by finding an alternate stream of income.

Making money online through your website, social media, or blog can be done without having to create or sell any products of your own. Instead, you can use affiliate marketing. If you’ve heard of affiliate marketing but aren’t really sure what it is or how it works, this article is a great place to start.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy that allows individuals or businesses to earn commissions by promoting and selling other people’s or company’s products. The concept is simple: you find a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a commission on each sale made through your unique affiliate link. This model is beneficial for both the merchant and the affiliate, as the merchant can reach a broader audience and increase sales, while the affiliate can earn money without creating their own product.

How affiliate marketing works

The process of affiliate marketing typically involves four parties: the merchant, the affiliate, the customer, and the affiliate network. The merchant is the creator or seller of the product, while the affiliate is the person or business promoting the product. The customer is the person who purchases the product, and the affiliate network is the platform that connects merchants with affiliates.

Affiliate marketing can be used to promote various products, including physical products like clothes, electronics, and household items, as well as digital products like software, online courses, and e-books. The commission rate for affiliate marketing can range from 1% to 50% or more, depending on the product and the merchant.

How to start affiliate marketing 

Just like running a small business, becoming a successful affiliate takes dedication and discipline. Use the following step-by-step guide to start your affiliate marketing business. But before you consider finding a brand name, buying a domain name and creating a logo.

It’s important to note that starting affiliate marketing requires time and effort to build an audience and establish trust with them. With consistency and perseverance, you can build a successful affiliate marketing business.

Here are four basic steps to start affiliate marketing:

1. Choose your niche and audience

Choose a niche that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about. This will help you come across as authentic and trustworthy to potential customers. For example, if you love dogs, you could start a blog about caring for sprocker spaniels. As you post more, you can use marketing tools to discover who your audience is and what they like.

2. Pick your platform and method

The first step is to figure out which platform you want to use to build your audience. There are many different methods to choose from, such as niche topic and review sites, digital content creation, or courses and workshops. It’s important to choose a platform that you’re comfortable with and that you understand well.

3. Find your products and affiliate program

To earn revenue as an affiliate marketer, your audience needs to connect with the products or services you promote. Look for products that your target audience would find valuable and that fit with your area of expertise. You can find products to promote on affiliate marketplaces or by reaching out to companies directly. Make sure the product or service you’re promoting is a good fit for the platform you’re promoting it on. For example, if you’re promoting home decor or clothing, Instagram might be a good platform to use. If you’re promoting software, a longer-form platform like a blog or YouTube might be better.

If you’re curious where to look for products or brands to work with, don’t worry. There are tons of affiliate marketplaces, including:

Affiliate Future
CJ Affiliate

4. Create content and share your affiliate links

Create content that promotes the affiliate products to your audience. This can be in the form of blog posts, videos, social media posts, or email marketing campaigns. Your content should provide value to your audience while also encouraging them to purchase the products you are promoting. You need to share your affiliate links in your content so that your audience can make purchases. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission on the sale.

Tips for affiliate marketing success

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money, but you have to put in some work first. The key to success is creating a good review. You want to be personal and share your experience with the product. The more open and honest you are, the more people will trust you and follow your advice.

Trust is important because people need to trust you before they will buy something you recommend. You can build trust by only promoting products you use and sticking to your area of expertise. You can also interview others who use the product or create a tutorial that solves a problem.

Another way to drive traffic is by building an email list. This is a list of people who want to receive information from you. You can send them free downloads, reports, and special deals. Just make sure you don’t send too many promotional emails or you’ll come off as spammy.

When promoting a product, research which keywords someone might use in a search engine to find an answer to a related problem. You can also create instructional or tutorial content to show people how to use the product.

Once you’ve created your promotional content, share it on your website or social media platforms. You can also create an email marketing campaign. Just make sure you disclose to your followers that your post contains affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money, but it’s important to do it legally and above board. If you need help figuring out what language to use in a disclaimer, it’s worth taking time to consult a lawyer.

Here are some tips to help you make more money through affiliate marketing:

  1. Choose a profitable niche: The first step to becoming a successful affiliate marketer is to choose a profitable niche. You should select a niche that you are passionate about and that has a significant demand in the market. Some popular niches for affiliate marketing include health and fitness, beauty and skincare, personal finance, and technology.
  2. Find the right affiliate program: Once you have chosen your niche, you need to find the right affiliate program. You can search for affiliate programs on Google, affiliate networks like ClickBank, ShareASale, and Commission Junction, or directly from the merchant’s website. Look for programs that offer high commission rates, have a good reputation, and provide promotional materials like banners and links.
  3. Create valuable content: To promote your affiliate products effectively, you need to create valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience. You can create blog posts, videos, social media posts, or email newsletters that provide valuable information related to your niche. Your content should include your affiliate links, which will direct your audience to the merchant’s website.
  4. Build an email list: Email marketing is a powerful tool for affiliate marketers. By building an email list, you can promote your affiliate products directly to your subscribers. You can offer a free e-book or course related to your niche in exchange for your audience’s email address. Once you have their email address, you can send them regular newsletters that include your affiliate links.
  5. Drive traffic to your website: To make more money through affiliate marketing, you need to drive traffic to your website. You can use various methods to drive traffic, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, paid advertising, and guest posting. The more traffic you have, the more potential customers you can reach, and the more money you can earn.
  6. Track your results: To optimize your affiliate marketing strategy, you need to track your results. You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic, conversions, and revenue. By analyzing your data, you can identify which products and promotional methods are working best and make adjustments accordingly.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful tool for making money online. By choosing the right niche, finding the right affiliate program, creating valuable content, building an email list, driving traffic to your website, and tracking your results, you can earn a significant income through affiliate marketing. Just remember, like any other business model, affiliate marketing requires hard work, persistence, and dedication.

Affiliate marketing program examples

Looking at some of the companies that participate in affiliate marketing will provide you with inspiration—as well as proof that this is a legit and high-paying revenue stream.


GoBliss Affiliate Program is a network of entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and creators who send referrals to Shopify. It’s free to sign up for the program, you only need to apply. 

Click here to apply to the GoBliss Affiliate Program.

Once approved, affiliate partners get a unique affiliate link to share with their audience. They earn affiliate income each time someone signs up using their link.


Home goods retailer Almondscove used affiliate marketing to build a million-dollar empire. Rather than take the traditional affiliate route, it used Instagram influencers to build awareness for the launch of its products..

Almondscove offers a 10% commission on all sales, which can add up quickly if you are an influencer with a big following. Its most popular products retails for over $100, which means you’ll earn about  $10 for each sale. 

Almondscove’s affiliate program also provides your own dedicated account manager and affiliate dashboard to track conversions and sales.

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