Guide: How To Start A Podcast In 2024

If you’ve always wanted to start your own podcast, now’s the time! With so many people at home and seeking various forms of entertainment and information, podcasts have grown in popularity more than ever. According to Grand Review Search, the podcast business as a whole is predicted to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 31.1% from 2021 to 2028. Furthermore, they are relatively simple and affordable to manufacture. Here’s a basic introduction to getting started.

What exactly is a Podcast?

A podcast is a series of audio-only episodes hosted by one or more hosts that address a specific topic or genre. Podcasting is an excellent method for people to keep informed about their favorite topics, learn something new, or simply be entertained. Many podcasts are free, and individuals can listen to them whenever they choose. Podcasts can be listened to while traveling, working out, doing chores, or simply resting. Furthermore, there are podcasts for every interest. As a result, everyone is guaranteed to discover something that suits them.

Examples of Podcast Topics

Here are a few examples of the seemingly limitless possibilities for podcast topics. With so many alternatives, your only restriction is your imagination.

  • Sports
  • Crime
  • Current Affairs
  • Gardening
  • Travel 
  • Bookkeeping
  • Fitness
  • Health
  • Financial Guidance

Aside from coming up with a topic, you should also come up with a theme for how you will convey the content to your listeners. A podcast might be hilarious, serious, educational, or informational, or a combination of all four.

Why Start a Podcast?

The beautiful thing about podcasts is that they have numerous advantages. Here are a few reasons why someone in 2022 might want to start a podcast.

Amass a Fanbase

Creating a podcast can help you establish a following and build an audience if you’re seeking for a way to do it. Podcasts are an excellent method to interact with others who share your interests and to create relationships with future consumers or clients. So, if you’re seeking for a unique way to reach a larger audience, try starting a podcast.

Build Credibility Within a Niche 

Podcasting is a wonderful approach to establish a reputation in your niche. Listeners will begin to regard you as an authority on your chosen topic if you deliver a high-quality program that provides relevant information and entertaining content. And as your show’s popularity grows, so will your personal brand. If you stay consistent and work hard, starting a podcast can help you develop experience and credibility in a short length of time.

Make Money

Podcasting has the potential to be incredibly profitable. There are numerous ways to monetise a show, ranging from sponsorship arrangements to merchandising to ad money, among others. You can easily make enough money from your podcast to cover your costs and even turn a profit if you create a large enough audience. According to a recent ZipRecruiter research, the typical podcaster in the United States earns $53,904 per year, which equates to $4,492 per month and $1,036 per week. Not bad for a side job.

Have Some Fun With Your Friends

What could be better than spending time with your friends and having a good time? While podcasting, of course! Podcasting allows you to talk about whatever you choose, whether it’s your favorite TV show, the latest gossip, sharing your passion for music, or simply having a good laugh. So, if you want to communicate with your friends in a fun and easy way, start podcasting today. Who knows, you could be having the time of your life.

Inform/Teach Others

Have you ever had a passion for something that you want to share with the world but aren’t sure how? Starting a podcast is an excellent method to accomplish this! Podcasts are a fantastic tool to educate and inform others on a wide range of topics. Podcasts can be used to educate others in a variety of ways. They can, for example, be used to deliver information about a specific topic or to share expert perspectives on a specific topic. They can also be used to raise awareness of a certain issue or cause. Furthermore, podcasts can be used to market or promote a product or service. Podcasts, in whatever form, are a tremendous tool for reaching out to and educating others.

Express Yourself

Podcasting allows you to express yourself while also connecting with others who share your interests. Podcasts, unlike other types of media, are typically produced by individuals or small teams, giving them a more personal feel. There is a podcast for everyone, whether you want to talk about current affairs, interview guests, or just hang out with your pals.

10 Steps to Starting a Podcast

So you want to start a podcast? Great! Here we provide a step-by-step guide on how to start a podcast from scratch. Though it may seem like a lot of work, it will be well worth the effort in the end to be the creator and producer of your own content. The following are 10 steps on how to get started with your very own podcast.

1. Choose a Topic

Podcasts should be focused on a specific subject.

If you want to start your own podcast, you must first decide on a topic. Sticking to a single topic will help you attract listeners who are interested in that issue, as well as make it easier to come up with fresh episode ideas. It also helps to have some subject matter experience so that you can provide valuable ideas with your audience.

The topic should be something that you can make episodes for a long time (preferably a hundred or more). 

A solid rule of thumb is to pick something for which you could make more than 100 episodes. This could be a subtopic within a larger subject or an umbrella topic with several subtopics. Baseball, for example, is a possible niche topic. You could also create a podcast about sports in general, allowing you to cover everything sports-related. Once you’ve decided on a general podcast topic, research what people are looking for inside that topic by using a search engine optimization (SEO) provider or by looking at relevant searches on Google. You’ll see a drop-down list of all the searches for those terms, which you may utilize to generate podcast ideas.

What to consider when coming up with a topic

Consider your interests or passions and how you may transmit them to others in the form of a podcast when choosing a topic for your podcast. Consider what you’d like to see more of in the things you’re interested in and try to fill that hole. Many people are probably looking for someone to fill that vacuum but aren’t aware of it.

Consider audience

Consider your target audience and what they would be interested in. Are they, for example, older, younger, male, or female? Knowing who your target audience is will help you create material that they will enjoy.

2. Pick a Name/Title

The name should be broader than the topic you wish to cover.

When naming a podcast, make sure it’s broad enough to cover all of the themes you wish to discuss. A name like stock advice, for example, may be too restrictive because it restricts you to solely talking about stocks. Whereas a name like financial advice would allow you to discuss stocks as well as other things relating to financial advice. You’ll be able to attract a larger audience and keep them interested for longer if you choose a broader moniker. So choose a name that will allow you to develop!

Title can be your name, something clever, or a descriptive name 

A podcast is an excellent way to promote yourself or your company. And, with so many podcast title alternatives, you’re likely to discover one that’s right for you or your business. If you’re at a loss for words, think about something creative and catchy, or something descriptive.

Choose a name that will pop up in google searches related to the topic 

To ensure the success of your podcast, create a title that will appear in Google searches relating to your subject. So try if you can include a prominent keyword in your niche that people frequently look for in your title or moniker. For instance, if you’re writing about financial advice, a frequent term to consider is “wealth.” By incorporating this keyword in the title of your podcast, you increase your chances of appearing in search results when people are looking for guidance on how to better their financial condition.

Consider social media handles when coming up with names.

Ascertain that your intended podcast name is simple enough to operate as a social media handle. You should keep the name short and avoid using insignificant numerals in the title. Only use numbers if they make sense for the type of content that will be distributed. A traffic podcast, for example, could be called after a specific motorway, such as “5 South.”

Check to see if the name is available or if it’s been taken on certain social media platforms

You should be cutting intriguing bits from your podcast and distributing them to various social media channels to direct traffic to your podcast. As a result, you’ll want to make sure that your preferred podcast name is available as a social media handle on several platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. This manner, your viewers will be able to easily search for the podcast right from the video you post.

Choose a memorable name

This ensures that people will not have to work too hard to remember your podcast. Some podcasts utilize clever puns or wordplay in their names, which can help your show stick in people’s thoughts as well as appear in search results. Others keep it simple by utilizing their own or the hosts’ names.

3. Come Up With Episode Format

One Podcast Host or Multiple 

First, you must determine whether you want a single host or several hosts. If you intend to have numerous hosts, be sure they have good chemistry and can work well together.

Format of Content 

You must also pick what type of material format you wish to offer. News/current events, interviews, or satire are all possible podcast formats.

Podcast Duration

Podcasts come in many forms and sizes, but there are certain standard lengths that are popular with listeners. The length of a podcast episode is usually determined by the format and content. A news podcast, for example, is likely to be shorter than an interview podcast, which in turn is likely to be shorter than a narrative podcast. It is ultimately up to the individual podcast makers to determine how long their episodes should be. However, most podcasts are one of the following lengths:

  • less than 10 minutes (14%)
  • 10—20 minutes (15%)
  • 20—40 minutes (31%) – Average Podcast Length
  • 40—60 minutes (22%)
  • Over 60 minutes (7%)

SOURCE: Buzzsprout Platform Statistics

Posting Schedule

Whether you post episodes once a week or every two weeks, there is a frequency that works for you. The most important thing is to keep your material constant and to connect with your audience. With so many distinct frequencies to pick from, you’re bound to discover one that complements your personality and schedule. Here are the most typical publishing frequencies in the realm of podcasting to give you an idea:

  • 0—2 days (7%)
  • 3—7 days (36%)
  • 8—14 days (39%) – Average Podcast Posting Schedule
  • 15—29 days (17%)
  • Over 30 days (1%)

SOURCE: Buzzsprout Platform Statistics

Recording Schedule

If you want to start a podcast, one of the first things you should think about is your recording schedule. How frequently do you want new episodes to be released? And how will you organize the schedules of everyone involved in the manufacturing process?  Remember that the more individuals you include, the more complicated the scheduling process becomes. One smart idea is to keep the team small, with no more than three or five members. You’ll be less likely to run into conflicting schedules, personalities, and other issues this way.

4. Create Cover Art

Creating eye-catching cover art is critical for increasing podcast listenership. Good cover art also gives your podcast a more professional vibe, which increases credibility in the eyes of your listeners. Here are some guidelines to follow in order to create something nice:

Make a logo

A fantastic podcast logo is vital for helping to create your brand. Your logo should be simple but instantly identifiable.

Make sure it grabs the listener’s attention

A distinctive and identifiable logo can help listeners identify and connect with your show while also serving as an effective marketing tool. While a sophisticated and elaborate logo may be appealing, it is critical to keep things simple. A logo that is overly busy or complicated will be difficult to read and remember, so stick to clean lines and simple forms.  Furthermore, choose hues that will stand out against a range of backgrounds. You can design a podcast logo that is both memorable and eye-catching with a little thinking and ingenuity.

Stand out from the competition

A great podcast logo should be unique, memorable, and reflect the substance of the broadcast. With so many podcasts on the market, creating a logo that stands out from the crowd might be tricky. However, with a little imagination and effort, you can create a logo that properly represents your podcast. If you aren’t familiar with Photoshop, you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr to develop a good logo for you.

5. Intro/Outro Music

Music for podcast intros and outros can help set the tone for your program and make it appear more professional and polished. It can also help listeners remember your podcast and discover it easier in the future. Consider adding some opening and outro music to your podcast if you want to give it a boost. When selecting podcast intro and outro music, make sure to use royalty-free music to prevent copyright issues and potential fines from music artists.    Using free podcast music to get started is a terrific method to get started. Not only will you be able to select a variety of genres to fit the theme of your podcast, but you will also be able to download the songs for free.  You can find a variety of free songs on any of the following websites:

  • Incompetech
  • Silverman Sound Studios
  • Pixabay
  • Purple Planet
  • AudioJungle
  • Soundstripe

6. Recording Equipment

If you’ve ever wanted to create your own podcast, there’s some good news: you don’t need a lot of money to get started. All you need is a simple setup consisting of a microphone and a recording device. You can begin making a podcast as soon as you have these two things.  


For beginning podcasters, I recommend utilizing a USB microphone, such as the Audio Technica ATR2100X-USB.

  • Shure SM7B is by far most popular (non-USB) – $399 at Guitar Center

The Shure SM7B is a common choice for more advanced podcasters. It’s frequently heard in well-known podcasts. If you wish to utilize the SM7B, you’ll also need to buy an audio interface to connect it to your computer.

You can use the microphone on your old Apple headphones if you’re on a tight budget. I’ve seen a lot of TikTokers use this option in their videos, and the audio quality is actually rather good when compared to audio from a standard camera.

7. Editing Software

One of the most critical things you’ll need if you want to start a podcast is competent editing software. This is where you’ll be able to record and edit your episodes, as well as add music, sound effects, and whatever else you desire. Fortunately, there are a variety of software options available, both free and paid. Whatever your budget, there is an editing software out there that is ideal for you.  Here are several possibilities:

Free editing software for beginners

  • Audacity
  • GarageBand
  • Alitu – This software is highly recommended for novices because it does a lot of the editing for you. It will aid with the elimination of background noise, the removal of breaths, the leveling of audio throughout, and other tasks. As a result, adopting this software could save beginners a significant amount of time.

Paid/Advanced software

  • Adobe Audition – $20.99 per month
  • Logic Pro X – $199 one-time payment
  • Hindenburg Journalist – $99 one-time payment

8. Set Up Podcast With Buzzsprout

What is Buzzsprout?

Buzzsprout is a website where users can create and share podcasts. It is simple to use and has a wide range of features, making it an excellent choice for podcasters of all levels of experience.  You can use Buzzsprout to:

  • easily record and edit your episodes
  • add show notes and transcripts
  • upload your images and files 
  • track your audience with detailed stats
  • share your episodes on social media
  • embed your show on your website or blog. 

The best part is that Buzzsprout is completely free for up to 2 hours of audio every month! Here are a few easy steps to get you started:

  • Fill in podcast info

Essentially, all you need to do is input all of the information from the previous steps when creating your account.  The first step is to enter information into the “Podcast Info” box.  You must provide a title, description, and author in this section.  Don’t worry, you can always modify it later if necessary.

  • Upload cover art

Next, include some cover art. This is the image that will be used to represent your podcast on Buzzsprout and all other sites where it is syndicated. Make it something memorable that will draw people’s attention! 

  • Select a category

It is now time to select a category or genre for your event. This will make it easier for people to find your podcast when they’re looking for something fresh to listen to.

  • Upload content

Your account will be created once you have completed the first three steps.  The final step is to publish your first piece of content. This could be an audio or image file. After that, you’re ready to start sharing your podcast with the rest of the world!

Buzzsprout Pricing

Buzzsprout is an excellent alternative if you’re searching for a low-cost approach to launch your podcast. Their free plan allows you to upload up to two hours of content every month, which is ideal for beginners. If you discover that you require a bit of extra storage, their subscription plans are incredibly affordable. These commercial plans also include a variety of additional useful features, such as thorough statistics and the opportunity to use custom domains. So, whether you’re just getting started or a seasoned pro, Buzzsprout has a plan for you:

  • Free

Can upload up to 2 hours of content per month

  • $12/Month

Can upload up to 3 hours of content per month

  • $18/Month

Can upload up to 6 hours of content per month

  • $24/Month

Can upload up to 12 hours of content per month

9. Get Podcast Listed on Multiple Streaming Platforms (Apple, Spotify, Google, & More.)

You’ve just finished your first podcast episode and are excited to share it with the world. But there’s one more thing you should do before you hit the publish button… Submit your Buzzsprout RSS feed link to these podcast directories to get it included on their platforms and acquire more total listeners:

  • Some of the most popular mainstream platforms include:

    Apple has a simple interface and a huge range of podcasts.

Spotify offers an easy-to-use design that allows users to create personalized playlists.

Google provides a number of services that make it simple to search and listen to podcasts.

  • Other less popular systems have their own distinct advantages:

    Stitcher provides exclusive material that is not available on other platforms.

SoundCloud allows users to post their own audio files and share them with others.

Blubrry is an excellent choice for podcasters looking to monetise their material.

Pocketcasts is a popular Android platform.

10. Promote Show

After you’ve launched your podcast, it’s time to start growing your audience. Here are some suggestions for publicizing your new podcast:

Creating a separate website for your podcast is one of the finest methods to promote it. This provides listeners with a one-stop shop for everything relevant to your broadcast. You may immediately post episodes there and possibly sell stuff as well as other interesting things. Include an RSS feed so that listeners may subscribe to your podcast and never miss an episode.

  • Create social media accounts

Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are excellent for promoting your podcast. They let you share your work with a large audience and connect with other people who share your interests.

  • Create a community

You may reach a broader audience and create a community of interested followers by establishing a social media presence.

  • Notify followers when new videos are posted.

Allows you to publish periodically about when new episodes are available and direct people to listen via a link or a brief clip.

  • Set up an account with BuzzSprout

Create a BuzzSprout account to have access to amazing tools for marketing your podcast and building your audience. One nice feature of Buzzsprout is that they include a free website with your subscription, which will save you a lot of money.By following these steps, you may kickstart your podcast and find new listeners from all around the world!

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